天賦海灣 |
(男)中二(女)小五(男) ,一至五4日 ( 上課時間 : 19:00-21:00 ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 150或以上 / 每小時),全職補習,有經驗,對補習有熱誠及有方法教學
(男)中2 -全科,主要英文
(女)小五-全科,主要中文及英文 |
A1600205 |
一至五4日(2小時),150或以上 / 每小時, |
19:00-21:00 |
男 |
(男)中二(女)小五 |
全科,中文,英文,數學, |
150或以上 / 每小時 |
(男)中2 -全科,主要英文
(女)小五-全科,主要中文及英文 |
導師編號 : 803618 (男)
Hello! I can speak fluent English!! Please contact me through the tuition centre as soon as possible! I can teach English, Chinese, Putonghua, French, Japanese, basic Korean, etc. Please do not hesitate anymore!! |
日期 : 2016-03-14 23:40:04 |
導師編號 : 801746 (男)
本人為香港大學學士畢業生、城市大學碩士畢業生。擁有8年豐富補習經驗,並曾任區內補習社中心主任,了解區內小學之情形,並能提供試卷以供操練。現有數十學生,成績都提升不少,深受家長與學生歡迎。 |
日期 : 2016-04-03 08:41:57 |
導師編號 : 803824 (女)
Hi, I was graduated from Rosaryhill School. I have studied at the University of Wolverhampton (UK) for Law and Chinese University for Translation. I am qualified for a Diploma in Translation Studies from City College. I speak and write fluent French, English, Mandarin and Cantonese. I am Canadian Chinese and have lived overseas for a period of 15 years. Now, I have about 8 years of FULL-TIME experiences on tutoring advanced English, elementary French and Chinese. I am punctual and stable and passionate in teaching at all levels. I am available anytime from Tuesdays to Fridays. My requested hourly wage is OK at $180. Please give me a chance to work with your kids cos I believe that I can help them improve. Many thanks! |
日期 : 2016-05-29 15:48:22 |
導師編號 : 802157 (女)
你好,本人是香港浸會大學四年級生,擁有三年多的教學經驗,對小朋友很有耐性。本人擅長中英語文,學習上亦會提供練習和筆記。望家長考慮。 |
日期 : 2016-08-14 20:12:34 |