中四(男) ,一星期2日 ( 上課時間 : 18:00-21:00內 ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 120-150 / 每小時),大學程度,
個案編號: A1400366
時間: 一星期2日(2小時),120-150 / 每小時,
上課時間: 18:00-21:00內
學生資料: 中四
科目: 英文,
學費: 120-150 / 每小時
特別要求: 大學程度,
導師編號 : 800486 (男) - 3 years of DSE English teaching experience
- HKCEE 7As (including English and Chinese)
- Studying BBA (Law) in the University of Hong Kong (admitted through EAS)
- IELTS score: 8/9
日期 : 2014-03-29 13:08:33

導師編號 : 800817 (男) 家長你好,現就讀城大商學院,本人連續報考三屆文憑試,故對新制考試十分有經驗,這是即使大學畢業也未能有的獨特優勢。

本人在學期間已開始替中小學生補習,現已累積超過兩年私補和補習班經驗.現亦有多名中小學生,分別為中一至中六,甚至數名自修生.本人第一屆的英文,中文,經濟(中文卷) dse成績為5等.bafs(商管單元)和通識成績更是5*.而第二屆的成績更是更上一層樓,中英文奪得5*,通識和企業概論更奪得5**佳績。由此證明我的確有一套讀書心得。本人亦會提供大量筆記幫助貴子弟學習。

日期 : 2014-04-25 13:35:25

導師編號 : 800953 (女) I am a current student under English Department. I am an experienced tutor, especially for adults’ students. For enhancing learning process, exercise are provided. My lessons are divided into four parts equally, reading ,writing, speaking and lastly listening. To improve reading skills, reading materials are provided. Students are required to read them in and after class. Sometimes, there will be news. Usually, students are asked to write about 100-200 word for the news, depending on their ability. The major communication channel in class is English, so that student can practice English orally and listening at the same time. Classes of grammar will be held as well. When I am abroad, relevant homework will be given. Therefore, students are still acquiring new knowledge even though I cannot have lesson with him/her.
日期 : 2014-05-07 17:27:41

導師編號 : 801384 (男) 你好,本人為港大醫科生,升二年級。本人於2013文憑試英文科取得5*佳績,熟悉近年的考試模式,定能為閣下提供有質素的補習服務,望閣下詳加考慮。謝謝。
日期 : 2014-06-20 18:25:31

導師編號 : 801397 (女) 您好。在HKDSE中,本人英文閱讀及聆聽與綜合能力卷〈卷1及3〉均考獲5*級,熟悉考試技巧。本人為人有耐性且具責任感,有信心提供有效和有質素的私人補習服務。
日期 : 2014-07-06 13:27:13