La Salle Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
中二(女) ,六或日 ( 上課時間 : 11:00am-1:00pm ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 120 / 每小時),女導師,大學程度,
個案編號: A1401291
時間: 六或日(2小時),120 / 每小時,
上課時間: 11:00am-1:00pm
學生資料: 中二
學費: 120 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,大學程度,
導師編號 : 801717 (女) ok
日期 : 2014-10-20 20:18:32

導師編號 : 801083 (女) 本人就讀香港中文大學一年級,有兩年補習經驗。過去曾為中學生補中文,學生成積亦有顯著進步。
日期 : 2014-10-20 20:27:00

導師編號 : 801979 (女) 你好。本人曾以會考第一名的成績獲讀香港中文大學法律學院錄取,現就讀學士學位三年班,擁有一年補習經驗。本人以普通话为母语,中學時期,曾多次在校際演講比賽中獲得金獎,並且多次參加國際奧林匹克競賽(理科),大學時期曾遠赴英國牛津大學進修英語文化及英國文學課程。本人擅長英文,普通話以及理科全科家教補習。本人補習認真細心,注重對學習興趣的培養,以及對學習方法,應試技巧的研究,曾幫助一名中五學生短期內大幅提高學習興趣及考試成績。現時本人有幫兩位同學補習,由於本人性格開朗,善於開導,語言機智幽默,已顯著提高學生學習興趣,備受學生喜愛。本人更可根據學生自身情況,為其制定個性學習方案,並提供獨家學習資料及傳授學習技巧,一切以孩子的進步為中心。願竭誠為您的孩子提供家教服務。
日期 : 2014-10-20 21:14:10

導師編號 : 801896 (女) 本人現為香港浸會大學社會系二年級生, 於香港中學文憑試中文科獲得等級4, 其中會話及綜合更獲得5*及5的成績。為人主動﹑守時﹑有責任心, 採用生動的教學方法。
日期 : 2014-10-20 21:27:16

導師編號 : 802019 (男) 本人Accounting學士畢業,同時已獲取專業會計師牌,已有超過3年的補習經驗,在澳洲留學,說流利英語及廣東話,有耐性,有方法,能提高學生對學習的興趣
日期 : 2014-11-04 16:21:18

導師編號 : 800228 (女) Hi I have studied abroad in Australia since year 9 and I have 4 years tutoring experience, especially for English subjects. Also, I live close to Kowloon Tong. Please feel free to contact me.
日期 : 2015-03-11 12:55:44

導師編號 : 800228 (女) I have studied abroad since year 9 in Australia and I have experience in teaching English for more than 4 years.
日期 : 2015-03-11 19:02:02

導師編號 : 802904 (女) 本人是城大工程系year 1的學生,數學不錯,英文有A-,以前是英文中學,可以以流利的英文交談。
日期 : 2015-07-24 23:25:42

導師編號 : 801023 (女) I believe that my DSE results in English and the Bachelor of Arts degree will make me a suitable candidate for this position. Also, the key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

I love interact with children.
I like to communicate with different people.
I always work as a team in the past with different parties.
I am creative and outgoing that I can manage to create a joyful environment for children to learn.

With a degree in Bachelor of Arts, I have experience in learning English-related and language-related subject which enable me to acquire a better foundation in English.

My HKDSE English result is overall 5*, having both Reading and Integrated Skills 5**. While my IELTS result is overall 7.5, having both Reading and Listening 8.5 out of 9.

Besides, I have been working as a part-time English phonics teacher since September, 2014. Also, I taught English classes in colleges before. I am quite sure this experience help me to become a better tutor.

Available time:
Monday after 17:30
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after 16:30
Friday, Saturday and Sunday whole day free to arrange
日期 : 2016-01-16 11:54:57