升中六(男) ,一星期1日 ( 上課時間 : 18:00 後 ) , ( 140-160 / 每小時),女導師,大學程度,九龍塘大學飯堂補習
個案編號: A1500812
時間: 一星期1日,140-160 / 每小時,
上課時間: 18:00 後
學生資料: 升中六
科目: 英文,
學費: 140-160 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,大學程度,九龍塘大學飯堂補習
導師編號 : 800857 (女) Im currently studying International Journalism year 2 of Social Sciences in Communication in Hong Kong Baptist University. Im experienced in tutoring English for Dse students since I have been working in a tutorial center which provides tutorial classes for students especially studying in Hong Kong Island since I graduated from my Secondary school. Attained 5* in Dse English, especially advanced in writing, reading and speaking, Im confident in providing tutorial class for you in aids of relevant materials.
日期 : 2015-08-07 14:32:28

導師編號 : 802115 (女) 本人畢業於中西區英文名校,英華女學校,小學畢業於中西區名校聖彼得小學, 現就讀城市大學商學院,公開試英文, 數學和會計取得佳績,而且曾補中四, 英文, 數學, 會計, 中一全科, 小五和小三英文和數學,各名學生均有顯著的進步。本人對教導這科十分有信心,並且有教導技巧,中文和英文口才更是十分了得,現時英文成績為A,會計為A+, 本人亦能教授英語拼音, 為人有耐性, 愛與小朋友/ 學生相處, 學生都願意聽從本人的教導, 在輕鬆愉快下學習, 並取得佳績, 本人曾在英國居住以及留學,從小閱讀英文書, 看英文學習片, 因此能說流利英文, 而且家住西營盤第二街,相信一定能勝任此工作,請家長考慮。
日期 : 2015-08-07 15:23:41

導師編號 : 800953 (女) I am an experienced English tutor. As an English major, I have built up a sound and solid foundation in English. The knowledge enables my to spot students mistakes easily, no matter what form the mistakes are. I can speak fluent English. I also deal with the pronunciation problems students often made. For example, people often omit the "th", "l " and "r" sound. Apart from pronunciation, I talk about intonation with my student. That is the key to speak like a native English speaker apart from accents. Therefore, under my guidance, students improve in fast pace. Nonetheless, with perfect pronunciation as well as intonation, without content, you still cannot communicate with others. Therefore, writing exercises can definitely help. I teach grammar, sentence structure to students. Those are the fundamental skills of writing. If students can handle all those technique, we will move to the next level by starting to write short paragraph. As you can see, there are progress in both speaking and writing. Exercises will be given out every lesson. If they are finished on time, I guarantee a large degree of improvement in a period of time.
日期 : 2015-08-09 19:45:18

導師編號 : 802589 (女) 本人就讀理工大學,DSE通識考獲5**,英文LV5.小學和中學就讀BAND1英中聖嘉勒.校內成績不俗,中五全年和中六亦取得全班第二名的成績.初中修讀中國歷史,三年中皆是全級TOP10%,其中在中二更獲得了全級第一名.曾取得最佳成績進步獎,同時積極參與校內外活動,例如義工,學生會幹事,班長等.此外,我曾替過度活躍症學生補習.因此我相信我有能力,熱誠教導每一個學生.
日期 : 2015-08-10 21:38:46

導師編號 : 800895 (女) 本人現為香港浸會大學社會科學系二年級生,畢業於沙田區英文中學,在DSE 英文一科中考獲5*(Reading 5** Writing 5** Listening 5** Speaking 5*)的成績。本人守時,有耐性,富責任感,也會因應學生程度安排練習;加上本人亦居於大圍,能方便約補習時間。希望家長會考慮一下。謝謝!
日期 : 2015-08-14 14:57:32

導師編號 : 802007 (男) 本人於港島區band 1英中張祝珊英文中學畢業,為第二屆DSE畢業生。現於香港城市大學主修專業英文。於DSE,英文科獲得5*級,數學獲得5級。曾於補習社任教小學英文及數學,曾教授幼兒,小學生及中學生英文及數學科,現任私人補習導師,教授中五,六學生英文及數學。本人亦有應考國際英語評核試IELTS, 並獲得band 7。本人於大學亦會協助同學批改英文課程文章,希望閣下會考慮本人!
日期 : 2015-08-24 10:15:56

導師編號 : 800486 (男) - HKCEE 7As (including English and Chinese)
- IELTS 8/9
- HKU Law, year 5
- Taught DSE English (Reading and writing) for 2 years
日期 : 2015-08-31 14:51:35

導師編號 : 800426 (女) -5年以上全職補習。
-學生由K2班YEAR 2 ,經驗足夠應付各個年紀學生。
日期 : 2015-09-21 08:15:43