大埔道28號 (太子)
升小四+升小一(女) ,一星期2日 ( 上課時間 : 可夾 ) ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 400-450 / 每小時),女導師,全英語對話,現職教師,
個案編號: A1800528
時間: 一星期2日(1.5小時),400-450 / 每小時,
上課時間: 可夾
學生資料: 升小四+升小一
科目: 英文,
學費: 400-450 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,全英語對話,現職教師,
導師編號 : 800217 (女) 全職,主攻 : 英語會話、本人以熱誠,耐心,認真的教學態度,及自編的教材,記字方法,按程度分類,並包涵各類課題,靈活及互動式, 增潻同學們的課堂興趣!鼓勵及協助他們輕鬆地,在課堂上以英語表達、溝通。不時的讚許來增加他們的自信心。 家長當然希望子女能在活學互動,開心的情況下,學好英語。 而本人在這快 10 年全職導師中,由 K2 的小朋友,至中六的同學,及成人的學生都有, 家長們對我的滿意度是 100% 的!相信你們將會是其中的對我信任者! 
If you want to improve,achieve your communication and interactive  skills in English. Up grade your vocabulary & with confidence to speak it out. I will be the right person that without failing you !  
日期 : 2018-08-21 22:56:38

導師編號 : 807756 (女) Hello. I studied in Band one girls’ school and I obtained Grade A in English Oral in both HKCEE and HKAL.
I have been teaching in EMI schools for over 10 years. I am confident that I can raise your kids’ interest and competence in English in a fun way.
日期 : 2018-08-31 13:15:04

導師編號 : 805750 (女) I am a Year 2 nursing student in OUHK who have attained Deans List in year 1 with GPA above 3.6 and level 5 in 2017 HKDSE English with 5* for both speaking plus listening and integrated skills as well as 5 for writing. I am also graduated from Band 1 well-known EMI primary and secondary schools, Maryknoll Convent School. Thus, I can speak fluent English and have a good grasp of English. Therefore, I am confident that I am capable for this role and can meet your needs well!

你好! 本人現正修讀護理學二年級, 大一時GPA成績獲入院長嘉許名單, 中小學就讀Band 1 傳統瑪莉諾女名校, 英文科公開試分卷亦獲佳績 (說話&聆聽綜合皆 5* 及寫作 5), 絕對能給予正宗英語教學, 本人了解考試模式及能給予相應的應試技巧, 為學生提供優質教育同時也會保持耐性和有責任感, 相處平易近人但都會適時給予學生指示
此外, 本人以往也曾接受過兩年多的私人上門補習經歷, 非常清楚私補比大型補習社優勝的地方, 十分明白學生會希望導師以甚麼方式教導自己
除了上門補習, 本人亦歡迎學生課後隨時透過通訊軟件向我問問題, 定必儘快解答
日期 : 2018-09-16 13:58:01

導師編號 : 808119 (女) 本人為全職補習老師,小學至中七就讀於九龍塘瑪利諾書院,在A-level考試考取得4A的成績,並獲得尤德爵士奬學金和太古奬學金,在香港大學文學院修讀英文,最後以一級榮譽畢業。本人曾在政府行政主任系工作,亦有超過十年教授英文拼音、英文作文及英文補習的經驗,且曾在太子道明愛中心教授暑期小學英文作文班。本人對教導小朋友富有耐性,上課時間彈性。

I am a full-time English tutor who spent my primary and secondary school years at Maryknoll Convent School and attained Straight As in four subjects in HK Advanced Levels Examinations. I was awarded both the John Swire Donor Scholarship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for studying in Faculty of Arts in the University of Hong Kong, where I majored in English Language and graduated with First Class Honors.

Before becoming a full/time tutor, I have worked as an Executive Officer in the HK Government for twelve years. Not only do I have over ten years’ experience in private tutoring in English (including phonics, writing and oral conversation), I also have the experience of teaching English writing in summer group classes in the Kowloon Caritas Centre.

I am a friendly and patient person, with great passion in passing on what I have learned and enjoyed to the younger ones, so that they will also enjoy learning English in a lively way.
日期 : 2019-08-15 22:25:02