K2(男) ,一星期1日 ( 上課時間 : MON18:00-19:00 ) ( 1小時 ) , ( 可議 / 每小時),女導師,外藉導師,Native Speaker
個案編號: L160005
時間: 一星期1日(1小時),可議 / 每小時,
上課時間: MON18:00-19:00
學生資料: K2
科目: 英文,英語會話,
學費: 可議 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,外藉導師,Native Speaker
導師編號 : 803957 (女) Hi! My name is Angela, born in Hong Kong and raised in South Africa since primary school. English is my first language and also fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. Music was my major subject in high school and had public examination on concert certificate as well as theory exam. I am currently working in an international law firm.

My past experience with tutoring was teaching piano to a kinder garden kids from beginner to grade 4 piano exam and has been teaching English to new immigrant primary kids for the past two years.
日期 : 2016-06-08 17:16:36

導師編號 : 803142 (男) 本人是2015DSE畢業生,在沙田培英中學修讀物理,會計和數學延伸單元一,在校內數學科多次有高的名次,在dse中m1和中文作文取得5級成績,曾於香港樹仁大學修讀工商管理學系一年級,現就讀於香港城市大學能源和環境學院一年級,懂得耐心教導小學生,會製作筆記輔助教導和作功課輔導,和教導考試和面試技巧,有教導小五和小六的經驗.
日期 : 2016-10-02 18:52:43