Experienced in tutoring for more than 4 years
I am graduated in University of Portsmouth with the 1st honor class. I am well equipped with techniques of tutoring since I have experience to give lessons for students who are from Primary to Secondary. I like teaching as it is the way to get to know more about the next generations.
導師編號: 800688 出生年份: 1991 語言: 中文 可補年級: 中三
教育程度: 大學畢業 就讀中學 沙田崇真中學
授課區域: 旺角, 油麻地, 佐敦, 尖沙咀, 九龍塘, 馬鞍山, 火炭, 沙田市中心, 大圍,
授課種類: 全科, 普通話, 廣東話, 英語會話,
授課時間: 星期日, 星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六,