Graduated from USC.
I spent 5years in the States for my undergrad. degree. I am a very patient person and I love kids. My target is to assist the kids to perform well at school and to guide them to be a good person for good fortune in the future.
導師編號: 801889 出生年份: 1988 語言: 中文 可補年級: 小六
教育程度: 大學畢業 就讀中學 St. Marys Canossian College
授課區域: 中上環, 灣仔, 銅鑼灣, 何文田, 土瓜灣, 紅磡, 九龍塘, 九龍城,
授課種類: 全科, 文科, 英文,
授課時間: 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六,